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...and We're Back!!

Just got home this afternoon!

It was some trip!  One of our main goals was to see icebergs, and it was supposed to be a banner year for them this year. Key word being 'was'.  They came early this year - in May - so we pretty much missed them.

It was also very cold and wet. Lots of storms, with lots of rain. There were still pockets of snow everywhere...
And when it wasn't raining, there was the fog....
Thankfully I prefer the cooler weather, and I love the rugged barren landscape.  Just Jan and I, on the open road, mostly to ourselves, with the rocks, the trees, the ocean, the snow, the rain, the fog, and some occasional sunshine. No radio, no TV, no computer, no cellphones....just our cameras, some old iPads with sketchy reception once in awhile if we were someplace that actually had wifi, and an RV full of dolls and props.

Rex and Bianca first came out of the cupboard in Quebec, at our favourite riverside park in St. Roche des Aulnais
Then they booked passage on a schooner in Lunnenburg Nova Scotia. ....
We arrived in Newfoundland the evening before a big four-day storm, so quickly managed a few sunset shots at Rose Blanche....
The kids had a grand old time whenever we stopped somewhere and let them out of the closet....
While Rex and Bianca travelled the coast on horseback....
One especially memorable part of the trip was the days we spent at St. Vincent, and watched the whales frolic just offshore. I've never seen anything like it...and just meters off shore....
We just sat on the beach and watched all day....
The kids loved Labrador....
...and one town there still had an iceberg in the bay.
​A local took us out in his boat for a closer look....
Back in Nova Scotia, we spent an entire day in the Fortress of Louisbourg, on Cape Breton Island, where Rex and Bianca fit right in...
Then last night before our final dash for home, we stopped in Quebec again....
All in all, I have some 2,000 photos to go through now, so it's going to take a while. Plus we have to get used to this ridiculous heat here at home, and take back control of our gardens.
​So lots to do....

​And lastly, one of my favourite photos...a foggy morning at Cape Bonavista.....
Lots more to come, so stay tuned.....

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/and-were-back2531666
Fecha: July 13, 2019 at 08:40PM

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