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Disneyland Paris

Disneyland Paris

Before I met Brooke and her family, my family didn't know that much about Disney. However, Brooke's family has been very generous in sharing their Disney experience with me and my parents.  In 2017, we went to Disney World together, followed by a cruise on the Disney Dream.  In 2018, we took our trip through Northern Europe on the Disney Dream.  However, before we parted ways after the Magic, we had a few more little adventures together, starting with Disneyland Paris!

This photo is of us in front of the entrance to the Disneyland Hotel, which rises above the entrance to Disneyland Paris. We wore our Frozen mouse ears; Brooke has Elsa ears and mine are Anna-themed.  We had a great time, but didn't take any other photos. Oops!


Before we knew it, we were back on the Eurostar train headed to London! It was a very brief trip to Disneyland Paris, but we had a lot of fun.

Have you ever gone on a trip that was short but sweet?
De: Super Inky! - http://www.superinky.com/2019/01/disneyland-paris.html
Fecha: January 15, 2019 at 09:20PM

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