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Goodbye to the Disney Magic

At Sea 2

Our last full day on the Disney Magic was a day "At Sea." Brooke and I decided to make the most of our final day by exploring the ship! Here we are outside the door to our cabin.  A tradition on Disney cruises is to decorate your cabin door with cool magnets! Brooke and I received these magnets as gifts from Brooke's grandma on our first cruise together.

At Sea 2

First we headed up to the pool. It's so fun to have a Mickey bar by the pool, looking out over the sea! Brooke and I love these swimsuits.

At Sea 2

Brooke brought along this floatie. It's shaped like a flamingo! Isn't it cute? I loved floating around the pool in it.

At Sea 2

After we had finished swimming, we went up to the top deck to sit in the sun.  Out on the ocean, you have no free internet service! You can purchase wifi access, but it is *very* expensive.  Instead of using the internet, Brooke listened to music on her iPod and I played Disney Emoji Blitz on my phone.

At Sea 2

The next morning, it was time to leave our ocean home.  We got dressed in comfy clothing, had breakfast in Animator's Palate, and returned to our cabins to grab our things.

At Sea 2

I took my carry-on, my backpack, and my neck pillow and off we went!

Goodbye Disney Magic! See you real soon! (I hope!)
De: Super Inky! - http://www.superinky.com/2018/12/goodbye-to-disney-magic.html
Fecha: December 17, 2018 at 03:53PM

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