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Big & Little

A few weeks ago I picked up another gorgeous sari at Value Village. It was heavily embroidered and beaded all the way around, similar to the one I'd made Bianca's dress out of. My first thought was to make another dress just like that, but for a larger doll, since the designs were too big for a smaller doll.              The photo below doesn't give it justice....
I thought I better wash it to make sure it was colourfast, but it wasn't. I washed it many times, over, and over, even rinsing with vinegar to help set the dye, and although most of the excess dye had been removed, the water still wasn't completely clear.  So the fabric shouldn't actually touch the doll itself. Which meant a lined dress would be safe, but it couldn't have hanging sleeves that draped over the arms.
So I'm making two sleeveless gowns instead.  In Iplehouse EID size.  The beaded designs won't work on the bodice, so i will have to replicate it by hand afterwards.

Also, I've had so much positive response concerning my Willie's outfit, that I'm going to try duplicate it as well. I've taken out all the same fabrics, but need a golden colour cotton crinkle gauze. Seems I used it all up for Willie's dress. I do have enough other coloured cotton gauze that can be over-dyed. Assuming Fabricland has some the right colour.

Anyways, I thought it would be interesting to take a photo of my two costume models together, before I undressed them.........of my biggest, and smallest ladies together....
So now I'm off to Fabricland to see if they have some golden fabric dye.....

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/big-little
Fecha: August 07, 2018 at 10:05AM

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