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With Bianca and Rex scheduled to go to the spa later this week, I need them both undressed. So it seemed like the perfect opportunity to take the studio shots of her gown. First the entire outfit...
Then with the sleeves removed, showing the elastic bands that they snap onto...
I continued taking photos as I removed layer after layer of her costume....three underskirts in all....until finally she was left wearing just her main dress and panties  (and shoes)
..and just for fun, because he was standing there looking like he wanted to be in a picture too. He's another OG horse that we found at Value Village a few weeks ago. He was in brand new condition with all his bright pink accessories...

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/bianca
Fecha: August 13, 2018 at 06:47PM

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