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Wig on a Shelf

I need a contemporary 'Asian" woman for my photo story, and Soa was far too young-looking to be a parent, so that left Asa, my Queen of the Night. Which seems appropriate, since she was Byuri's Mom in a photo story 6 years ago too.  So Asa is going to try pass for a contemporary Mom for a bit, so I had to find a way to support her wig in the meantime....
I'm working on a contemporary outfit for Asa, which I thought would be easy, since I have an envelope full of JID patterns.  But none for any ladies with the Glamour bust.  So that meant going back to the drawing board, and designing and making test bodices all day.

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/wig-on-a-shelf
Fecha: March 22, 2018 at 03:55PM

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