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My Wing Farm

I have lots of wings under construction on my kitchen table. Each fairy outfit needs four wings - two upper and two lower, which are made in pairs. First the fabric gets glued onto the wire with Gemtack glue. It's made for gluing gems onto clothes and dries waterproof....
The wires can't lay flat when I'm gluing the fabric or they'll stick to the table, so they get supported in mid air by a combination of hemostats, pliers, and clamps. Once the first side is dry, the excess fabric gets cut off, and more glue gets applied onto the back side....
Missy knows one of the sets is for her, and came to check them out....
​"I hope this one is for me.."
"They all look pretty nice so far....."
"Could I have this one, please??"

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/my-wing-farm
Fecha: September 04, 2019 at 03:11PM

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