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50th Moon Landing Anniversary

Brooke's Yard

Spending time with Brooke is always fun.  On July 20, we put on our NASA shirts to celebrate a special anniversary- the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11  Moon Landing! I love learning about space and I was really excited to mark this special day.  What better way to enjoy the moon landing than to love our Mother Earth? Brooke and I decided to play outside together.


In 2009, I celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Moon Landing with my best friend, Violet! We threw a little party for ourselves, complete with "moon cake" and root beer floats.  It was really nice.  The 50th anniversary with Brooke was fun too! I wonder with whom I'll spend the 60th anniversary!

Brooke's Yard

Brooke's family's yard is beautiful. They have really nice flowers everywhere you look. Plus, there is real grass! I know that sound a little bit silly, but I live in New York City.  My apartment building has a courtyard, but we are not allowed to go on the grass.  I love being at Brooke's, where I can run around and feel the grass between my toes.

Brooke's Yard

I really liked this plant because it reminds me of something that would have grown during the dinosaur times. Again, I don't know what it's called- but doesn't it look amazing?

Looking for the moon

When the time came for the exact anniversary of the Moon Landing, Brooke and I cheered! Can you imagine how exciting it was for Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin? I would have been so scared.  Still, I would have loved seeing our Earth from the moon. 

Brooke's Yard

Can you believe that humanity has worked together to send astronauts and cosmonauts to space? It's incredible. Would you ever want to go to space? Why or why not?
De: Super Inky! - http://www.superinky.com/2019/09/50th-moon-landing-anniversary.html
Fecha: September 04, 2019 at 12:17PM

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