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Fashion Doll Friday: 300th Post

Every time I sit down to create Fashion Doll Friday posts I look back over recent ones to see what type of doll I haven’t featured lately and to refresh my memory about who I might not have used yet. Do you know there are currently 299 items in that list? So this will be the 300th Fashion Doll Friday post. Wow! Some TV shows don’t last that long!

I wondered who the very first Friday Girl was. I’d posted a few fashion doll photos before that but the first Fashion Doll Friday post appeared in November 2013 about 6 months after I started the blog. I think that I had not long bought her when I took this first photo. As she is still one of my favourites I thought that I’d give Sarah a rerun today.

imageDenim Basics Barbie 02
Sarah showing off her legs, the couch and teddy belong to Naomi

Don’t worry, I’m not going to stop posting Fashion Doll Friday pictures. We might have reruns but there are always going to be a few new dolls or new oufits to share.

De: Dolls, Dolls, Dolls - https://dollsdollsdolls.net/2020/04/03/fashion-doll-friday-300th-post/
Fecha: April 02, 2020 at 09:30AM

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