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Comparing Brands...

Owen and Adrian were leaving the Tavern with their newly acquired toilet paper.....
"What brand did you get?"
"Cottonelle.  My wife insisted that if I was going to be trading her precious jewelry for toilet paper, that it had to be soft enough for her delicate tushle..."
'I see you got a 'travel pack'.  You going somewhere??"
"Yeah. My wife misses her mother, so we booked passage to the mainland. But I heard that captain had some passengers thrown overboard last week for clogging up the ship's loo."
"So, even though this stuff cost me way more, I'd rather be safe than sorry...."

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/comparing-brands
Fecha: March 30, 2020 at 07:25AM

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