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JID & FID Head Switch

Someone on Facebook was asking if Iplehouse JID heads would fit on the FID bodies. so I thought I'd try answer their question.  I took JIDs Leona and Owen and switched their heads with FIDs Rex and Bianca.......and it was just comical......
Rex and Bianca looked okay on the smaller JID bodies, although they made me think of 'Barbies'...
Owen and Leona's heads did fit on the FID bodies, but their necks seemed way too long..
​..especially Leona's...
Bianca back to her own self, with midget Rex..... "Hey, you shrank!!"
Everyone back to normal....
So then I was asked how the JID guy's head would fit on the FID Muscle body, since it has a bigger neck.  My Lawrence has the Muscle body, so I gave it a try. Proportion-wise he looks okay, but the JID head only has one slot inside for the S-hook, so his head constantly wants to look down.
While I was at it, I thought I'd try two different JID lady heads on the FID Athletic body.  They both fit, but Leona's head was a tiny bit better than Isar's. Leona is one of the bigger JID lady sculpts, so her head went down over the long FID neck a bit better. But Isar is one of the smaller JID head sculpts, and her head already sits high on her JID body, so was even worse on the FID body....
So I guess the answer is, yes they do fit, but do they look good??  Not in my opinion.  Maybe with some modding to make the neck shorter?  But again not worth it in my opinion to permanently alter an FID body, especially considering Iplehouse will not sell heads and bodies separately.

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/jid-fid-head-switch
Fecha: December 04, 2019 at 11:35AM

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