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Weebly Issues

Just a quick note to let everyone know that I really appreciate all your comments, and try to respond to them all.  However my issues with not getting email notifications whenever anyone posts a comment continue. This has been going on since the beginning of June, with no resolution. I was told I disabled the function, when I hadn't touched anything, and even thought I was told they had turned the setting back on, nothing happened. Still no emails.

Which means I have to manually search for any new comments. Obviously I'm not going to scroll back through my entire Blog, so I only see something if it's been posted on the most recent post or two. So If you've posted or asked a question on something older, and not received any response, it's not because I'm ignoring you. I have no way to know it is even there.

​Anyways, I've contacted their Help line again, and am hoping the issue will get resolved this time.

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/weebly-issues4856678
Fecha: July 17, 2019 at 01:41PM

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