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First Stop

It's a very long drive to the ferry to Newfoundland, so we make all sorts of stops along the way. Sometimes the dolls come out of the cupboard, and sometimes they don't.  The kids would fit in anywhere, but Rex and Bianca could only work with either just scenery, or something manmade that dated from roughly two hundred years ago, or more.

But I thought the spires of the church at St. Roche des Aulnais, in Quebec along the St. Lawrence River would work....
I did eventually come up with a story for Rex and Bianca, but have decided to present the trip photos in the order that I took them first, and put together a separate album with their story later.

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/first-stop
Fecha: July 14, 2019 at 04:17PM

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