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Models for Program Development

Our youngest son works with the movie industry, writing computer programs for special effects. His newest project involves something to do with green screen, and since he's just starting, and isn't ready to rent a studio with real, human models, he asked if he could come over and photograph some of my dolls. That certainly sounded interesting. 

​So yesterday he came, with all his camera equipment, and set up downstairs in the photo studio he had set up while he still lived here (and I use occasionally now too) 

He had brought along three big computer screens to provide his light source, and positioned the dolls between them, and took lots of photos as the lights flashed from all the different directions....
He asked for dolls with a wide range of skin tones, and different colours and styles of wigs, especially ones with very fine hair that would be in scale to a human's hair.

 These were some of the dolls, standing in line waiting their turn.  The dolls on the left were all different skintones, and Kassia was chosen because she was all white, and would provide an extra challenge. He noted all the dolls were dressed in warm tones or neutrals, and he needed someone in blue, so Narae in her blue plaid joined the line up....
Then he needed someone wearing gray....so Rex had a turn too....
This morning he said his tests were a success and that my dolls would work perfectly for what he had in mind....until he's ready to use live models...

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/models-for-program-development
Fecha: May 31, 2019 at 06:55PM

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