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Lighting in the Blue Room

My granddaughters gave me their blue Victorian doll sofa for my birthday last month, and I've wanted to feature it in a new 'blue' room, along with my sister's peacock painting and needlepoint pillow. The sofa had seen better days, so I made an extra seat cushion, and added padded arm rests, to make it a more inviting seat.

Yesterday I finally decided to take some photos, and thought, who would fit into the new setting better than my Asa, Queen of the Night....
I had wanted a 'dark, moody' look, so waited until late in the day, with the sun hidden by clouds, and took the first photo, above. But then the sun came out and I had to draw the curtains, which are peach colour, and that cast peach lighting all over the scene, creating a different look....
I opened the curtains and the sun shone directly on Asa, creating another whole new look....
The contrast seemed a bit too harsh, even after I tried to deal with it in Photoshop, so I tried again after the sun disappeared. Then it hit me - the peacock in the painting above her head had been creating a 'tension point'. I needed to move her so her head wasn't directly under the peacock.
She also looked so 'lonely' sitting there all by herself, all gorgeous with nowhere to go, and decided she needed a friend....so went and got her one....

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/lighting-in-the-blue-room
Fecha: May 24, 2019 at 07:48AM

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