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I haven't been particularly busy taking doll photos this week. Not only was I working on finishing six little Willie outfits, but I also have a bunch of projects hanging over my head that I'm not the least bit enthusiastic about doing, and that totally kills any creativity.

Plus I spent two hours in the dentist chair this morning. Which reminded me that I also had a date with the dentist two years ago today, and that visit actually inspired some photos.....
"Would you like something cold for your pain??"
After six hours, the freezing is finally out, and thankfully I'm not experiencing quite the pain as last time. Even so, today I'm perfecting the art of procrastinating doing the things I don't feel like doing.

Like making two wigs. My David is away for a faceup, and will need a wig when he comes home. I thought I'd go the easy way and buy one, but no one has the wig I want in the right colour. Which I suppose is 'good news' since he would look better with a homemade wig anyways.

And then there's Isis who needs a better Victorian hairdo. I crocheted a wig cap with little 'side-burns', in the hopes of making a more realistic upswept hairstyle.  And I emptied the entire mohair drawer and went through all the bags of different colours and lengths, to help me decide which ones I'm going to use.....
Then there's one last project which is really messing up my creativity. I had agreed to paint yet another custom train set for Christmas, but I didn't come through. Now I'm staring at an upcoming birthday which I really need to make it for.  Seven days to go, and have I even started??  No. I know I should just buckle down and do it, so I can get back to fun things, but that kind of logic isn't working. So nothing is happening. ​
I guess I better just force myself to start.....so I can get back to taking fun doll photos....
​I've been stalled long enough....

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/stalled
Fecha: April 05, 2019 at 03:21PM

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