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Little Pets

I temporarily have a huge collection of 'Littlest Pet Shop' critters at my house, so of course I had to take advantage and take some photos....
The girls were allowed to choose just one each....but which one???
​Erzulie couldn't decide....
There were so MANY to choose from.....
There were shelves, and shelves full of them.....
Effie couldn't decide either. She liked the little giraffe....
Then she noticed the ones over on a side table....
"That one is so cute!!"
'Well, you better make up your mind!"
"I think I like the giraffe best!"
Okay, now Erzulie just needs to decide between the two birds.....
*Note;  all the Little Pet Shop characters belonged to Natalya. But her family is moving out west soon, and they are getting rid of stuff they no longer want. So she offered her collection to Emily, but their car was too packed full to take them along home with them, so they are temporarily at my house, until next time we go visit, and bring them. So photo op!!

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/little-pets
Fecha: April 17, 2019 at 06:40PM

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