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It Was Not Intentional

Dear Readers,

Several months ago I noticed that I was no longer receiving email notifications from Blogger after comments were published to my blog posts.  I reported this glitch that Blogger informed me they were working on correcting.  After this discovery, I subscribed to all comments using the email subscription feature on the home page of this blog (which is visible in the right sidebar when the blog is viewed in web version mode).  I then began receiving email notification of comments, but it recently was brought to my attention that I was not being notified of all comments.

Comments to my blog posts used to be published automatically.  However, because of an increase in spam comments, comment modification was turned on about a month ago.  Recently, I accidentally deleted an email notification of a comment that I wanted to approve.  This led me to the Comments section at the Blogger website where I discovered a host of comments awaiting moderation that dated back to June of 2018!  A few of these were spam but many were comments from faithful and new readers.  I have approved these comments and made necessary replies.

Please accept my sincere apology for this oversight as I appreciate your comments and would never ever ignore anyone.  Now that I know Blogger's comment feature is still not functioning properly I will make a point of frequently checking the Comments section at the Blogger website for dormant comments.

To AOL Users:  Please note that I  have never received email notification of comments made by AOL users.  There is obviously a disconnect between my email provider and AOL or perhaps something else that prevents comments from AOL users from reaching me.  I usually stumble upon comments from AOL users when replying to other published comments.  So do know that if you comment, and you're an AOL user, I might not respond immediately, but eventually I will.

I promise to be more watchful regarding these issues.  Thanks for your understanding.


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Thank you for your continued support

De: Black Doll Collecting - https://blackdollcollecting.blogspot.com/2018/12/it-was-not-intentional.html
Fecha: December 26, 2018 at 02:00AM

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