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Fashion Doll Friday: Dramatic Living Barbie

This week’s Friday Girl is my Dramatic Living Barbie from 1970-71. She was the first fully poseable Barbie. I changed Barbie out of her homemade outfit but when I found that she could not wear the shoes I wanted with “Now Knit” I put her into this Fashion Avenue outfit which was previously worn by Twiggy. However, poor Barbie had another wardrobe malfunction as the top would not do up at the back. I will look for something else for her but in the meantime, I have returned her faux fur jacket which luckily looks OK with this outfit. I still have to get her some shoes, I squeezed her feet into Skipper shoes for this photo but they are really too tight.





De: Dolls, Dolls, Dolls - https://dollsdollsdolls.net/2018/12/14/fashion-doll-friday-dramatic-living-barbie/
Fecha: December 13, 2018 at 09:44AM

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