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Christmas Photo Challenge

Daisy Dayes held a Christmas photo contest challenge on Resin Cafe earlier in December. I wanted to participate, but just for fun, and not to be judged for the competition, as I'd won in the summer. 

She gave ten prompts, and I managed to take brand new photos for about half of them. The others were from years gone by. Each of the new ones did prompt little stories, most of which I've already posted - except the last one - so many will be familiar....

1. Favourite Holiday movie or song...

One of my favourite Holiday songs and TV specials has always been 'The Little Drummer Boy'....

2. Favourite Holiday tradition.....

Being of Dutch descent, we always enjoyed receiving chocolate letters on St. Nicholas Eve, on the 5th of December....

3. Pulling a sleigh....

Cinnamon decided she needed to sit on the sleigh to hold onto the gifts, so they wouldn't fall off....

4. Christmas Wishlist

"Look at this letter....some people sure ask for a lot!"
​"That's nothing!  You should see this guy named Craig....he has the longest list I've ever seen!!"

5. Was your dolly naughty or nice this year?

Nice. Efreet and Erzulie decided they wanted to give some warm mittens, a blanket, and a warm meal to a homeless person and his dog...

6. Waiting for Santa on Christmas Eve 

(bonus points if there are cookies in the picture, and EXTRA bonus points if they see/catch him!

7. SNOW!!!  Find some, make some, fake some, but she wanted to see some snowy playtime...

Making fun snowmen, the easy way.....

8. Decorating the Christmas tree....


9. Baking cookies! Bonus point if they are real...

Layla was busy making one of my favourites - ginger sparklers - while Kayla was only interested in eating them....

10. A doll all wrapped up in wrapping paper, or stuffed in a stocking...

Coco and Efreet got a bit carried away while wrapping gifts, and decided to try wrap up Ringo instead....

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/christmas-photo-challenge
Fecha: December 25, 2018 at 09:13AM

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