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Christmas Eve Party

It was a tradition that every Christmas Eve, while Santa was away all night making deliveries, the rest of the staff would have a party. All the workshop tables and chairs would be lined up into one big, long table, and covered with all kinds of yummy things to eat.....
This year they were in for a special treat, since Winston had offered to make all the goodies.
​"Would you like a cupcake?  It's my own personal recipe."
"Yes, please! They look really yummy!!"
It was nice to just sit and relax, after all the hard work the past few weeks....
Not only did Winston do all the baking, but he was also doing all the serving.
​"Would either of you like one of my cupcakes??"
"Hey!! That's the one I was going to take!!"
"Oh Effie!  They're all the same! And there's enough for everyone!"
"No they're not!  That one there has a cherry on top!!"
"I'd like to raise a toast.....to everyone here......for another year well done!
​You've all been working extra hard, and we made a record number of toys this year"
"And here's also to Willie, who stepped in at the last minute and lent us all a helping hand...."
"And hey Effie, down there at the far end of the table....just stop arguing, and take a cupcake!!"
Once they'd all sampled the goodies, the tables were pushed back, and the real partying began. 
​But I got company over, so couldn't photograph the festivities....

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/christmas-eve-party
Fecha: December 27, 2018 at 05:34PM

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