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Bianca's Fitting

I'm finally happy with Bianca's bodice. I had made it too high in front, and had to take everything off and redo it.  It looks much better now. It still needs the jewels and strings of beads draped down over her arms, but I'm waiting to attach those until after the rest is done.... 
Yes, I made two 'Christine' costumes in the past, but they were for a much bigger doll, so the trims I'd saved were not usable, as they were way too big and rough, and totally out of scale.  And with Bianca being close to real human proportions, the costume has to look it as well. So I'm basically starting over from scratch.

I looked at a lot of costumes from the different Broadway productions, and even though they were all made from the same designer's sketch, they were all still very unique. So I'm choosing what I like from the various interpretations.

Several had a beautiful, colourful pleated row along the bottom of the skirt, so I chose four ribbons, sewed ten feet of each together, then pleated the entire length by hand. I've learned that it's a mistake to press the pleats with the pins still in them, as they end up 'denting' the trim. So I basted along one edge, and am in the process of basting the other. Then the pleats will get pressed.....

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/biancas-fitting
Fecha: December 21, 2018 at 12:47PM

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