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Fashion Doll Friday: Fashion Fever Teresa Wave C


Today’s Friday Girl is one of two Teresa’s in Wave B and was last featured in 2014 although she has been an occasional model for the Fashion Fever closets. As with Julia recently I realised that it had been some time since I took any photos of Kirsty and that the ones I had were old and most of them not that good. I always really liked the old, square-jawed Teresa face and I have quite a few examples of her. Kirsty has very pretty colouring and I like her hair. Here she is in a few outfits I especially like on her.

De: Dolls, Dolls, Dolls - https://dollsdollsdolls.net/2018/08/10/fashion-doll-friday-fashion-fever-teresa-wave-c-2/
Fecha: August 09, 2018 at 10:26AM

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