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A Trunk Full of Dolls

Nyssa went over to a big trunk...."Want to see what's in here??"
Holly came over to look....
"These are my Mom's old dolls..."
"I sneak up here sometimes, to play with them..."
*Note about photo lighting inconsistency.  This series of photos was taken over six separate times, some in total darkness with just the little lanterns on (as in the last photo above), while others were taken very early in the morning before sunrise, and others late in the evening after the sun went down. I've done my best to make them look roughly the same, but there's no duplicating the look from one time to another.

Or maybe there's cracks in the attic ceiling, and it's a semi-cloudy day outside, and it gets brighter up there when the sun comes out from behind the clouds?? Sounds like a good explanation, and I'm sticking to it.

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/a-trunk-full-of-dolls
Fecha: June 20, 2018 at 11:37AM

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