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Becoming a Victorian Gentleman - 2

I made a nice white shirt with a stand-up collar, and put it on Steve.
​Suddenly he looked like a waiter....
Which demanded more pictures. I needed a 'restaurant', so replaced the furniture and props in my Victorian Parlour set-up, and turned it into one - or more specifically, a nice private corner of a high end restaurant where there was just one table. After all, with a waiter in white, it had to be a high end restaurant.  And I only have so many tables and chairs.

So, who was going to be at that restaurant?  I have very limited number of contemporary dolls. Asa and Benny are both single, so likely wouldn't be eating in such a place. That left Owen and Leona. But neither were appropriately dressed for something so posh. Which meant scrambling to find something better for them to wear.

I borrowed a dress and a jacket for Leona, from two of the JID for sale outfits.  I gave Owen Leona's white shirt, and Lawrence donated his jacket. I didn't feel like carefully folding in the extra-long sleeves, so just scrunched them up for a more casual look.

​And then they were ready...to go celebrate their anniversary....
Owen, handsome in his casual elegance...
..and Leona, beautiful in blue....
I had gone through my box of Our Generation food props, looking for something worthy of an anniversary dinner, but I only had plates with spaghetti, fish sticks, or French fries, and none of those would do. So forget the dinner - they've already had it - and went to dessert instead.
Steve brought champagne...
"More champagne, sir??"  
​Steve tried to keep a straight face and stay 'professional' as he was serving his brother.
"Some more champagne, Miss??"
"No, thank you.  I'm good."
It was a wonderful evening....
Now to make Steve's vest and coat, so he can stop waiting tables, and join his family in the past.

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/becoming-a-victorian-gentleman-2
Fecha: May 04, 2018 at 07:44AM

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