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One Last Art Class

Narae's children's art classes ran for six weeks, but there were so many kids who wanted to come that she had to run two separate classes per week. Both classes did the exact same things, but I only photographed one of each project - so three projects per group.

On the final week, Narae introduced her students to the work of Laurel Burch
"This week I want to introduce everyone to the world of Laurel Burch.
​She's famous for her very colourful paintings of cats."
"I will take you step by step through drawing cats like hers, "
"...and then you can decorate them any way you want,
​with any patterns or colours you like... just like she does."
Paige handed everyone two sheets of paper...
Then Narae did a step-by-step drawing of a cat's head with everyone....
Then she showed everyone how to draw the body of a simple seated cat....
....as everyone followed along...
"Now, everyone take your second sheet of paper, and we will draw a standing cat.
​First we draw the head, just like before..."
Everyone followed along....
"And now we draw the simple body, like this..."
"And now for the fun part.....you may decorate your cats in any way that you like. You may use one of these designs for inspiration, or you can make up your own.  And then colour your cats."

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/one-last-art-class
Fecha: March 27, 2018 at 01:55PM

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