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Kathe Kruse “Big Sophie” 2018 Toy Fair Highlight

The product line we already purchase from Kathe Kruse is the 2017 Kruselings dolls sculpted by artist Sonja Hartmann. However, My Doll Best Friend may be buying a bit more this year as we spotted some rather beautiful new dolls due to be released in the Autumn-Winter. They looked very like the Kathe Kruse doll Sophie. Sort of ‘big Sophie’; taller and more relatable to today’s children: one we like much more. She wasn’t alone. Playing in a tall dolls house were seven fashionably attired slim vinyl dolls with long glossy hair: four blondes, two brunettes and a doll with purple hair. There was a cat and a dog too, so a new collection for children (and me) done properly! I took a few pictures, and asked some questions. The collection does not yet have a name but the dolls were unofficially referred to as ‘big Sophie’. No shock there then. I hope the name they come up with for the collection is as good as this one! There seemed to be a fair amount of interest in the dolls so with any luck Kathe Kruse will put all seven into production right away.

Last year the Kruselings were locked away in a room deep within the Kathe Kruse booth so that only those invited in could see them. Almost no one who entered was allowed to take photos. Nuremberg is a place of secrets to some extent. The last thing any brand wants is their competitor browsing their booth – but it happens all the time. The Kruselings were tucked away, but ‘big Sophie’ was out for all to see.

Whilst trying to decide the timing of this blog post, I took a look at the Kathe Kruse Facebook page to see if there was anything posted about ‘big Sophie’, and I found this:


New doll collection from Kathe Kruse for Autumn 2018

So clearly not a secret!

She’s like Sophie, but she’s also so much more than Sophie, and I say this never having been tempted to stock Sophie. ‘Big Sophie’ is glamorous! She’s chic, stylish and sassy! She is recognisable as a Kathe Kruse doll but has a strong identity. She’s just much more of an up to date doll than we have seen before.

There are six more dolls and they’re gorgeous!  Here are a couple of photos so you can see their lovely faces better. The rest will follow later in the year.

By contrast here are some photos of Kathe Kruse Sophie :

Originally Kathe Kruse made 40cm Sophie with a soft body, then in 2012 she was brought out with a vinyl body. Only the colour of eye paint and clothing changed from year to year. It always appeared that Kathe Kruse wanted to make a doll that children wanted, but kept falling short and making a doll their parents or grandparents wanted to buy. Children are not interested in nostalgia. They want toys that represent their generation. It looks like Kathe Kruse might have got it right !

Sophie is younger looking and her clothes look what her parents would choose for her to wear:

By contrast ‘big Sophie’ is well, dressed for the Carnival! ‘Big Sophie’ looked about 44-46cm tall and all vinyyl with wigged hair and painted eyes.

Let’s hope that all the dolls all make production, along with some extra clothing!

There are seven big Sophie dolls and I haven’t yet seen any other Kathe Kruse images of them – I’m sure we’ll all be on the look out now!

The post Kathe Kruse “Big Sophie” 2018 Toy Fair Highlight appeared first on My Doll Best Friend Blog.

De: My Doll Best Friend Blog - https://www.mydollbestfriend.co.uk/blog/kathe-kruse-big-sophie-2018-toy-fair-highlight/
Fecha: March 14, 2018 at 04:25PM

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