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Hasbro reveals new Star Wars and Marvel toys at MCM London Comic Con

Hasbro reveals new Star Wars and Marvel toys at MCM London Comic Con

Hasbro took to the MCM London Comic Con stage this weekend to deliver a panel and threw in some exclusive product reveals for their Star Wars series in the process.

Global brand managers Patrick Schneider (Star Wars) and Ryan Ting (Marvel) were on hand to fill in fans on the process of creating Hasbro's Star Wars Black series, detailing the company's digital sculpting process which gives the figures their uniquely detailed look.

It was during this panel that the pair revealed the new Star Wars Black Porgs (pictured). The adorable figures are set to hit retail in 2018.

Also revealed was the latest edition to the firm's Marvel Legends range, in the form of the avenger Black Knight. This action figure will also be available next year.

De: ToyNews Feed - http://www.toynews-online.biz/news/read/hasbro-reveals-new-star-wars-and-marvel-toys-at-mcm-london-comic-con/049439
Fecha: October 30, 2017 at 01:13PM

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