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Behind the Scenes

Thought I'd share some of my 'behind the scenes' secrets to the bicycle photos.  
First, the dead end road which I wanted to use as my setting....
The car, all loaded up with dolls in their boxes, with camera equipment, and laundry basket full of props....parked off to the side, out of the way....
The dolls were posed onto the bikes, and then placed in position....
A photo taken while standing a few feet away.....  not very effective....
But then we spread a blanket on the roadway, and I got down and lay flat on the ground in front of the dolls so I had the camera at their eye level......to shoot pictures like this...
Since I couldn''t easily get up to reposition the dolls, Jan moved them while I directed him...
Anyone can take photos like this, using the trick of 'forced perspective'.  
​You just have to get down on the ground and shoot at the doll's eye level.

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/behind-the-scenes9702262
Fecha: October 31, 2017 at 07:28AM

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