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Back to School...........

 It's that time of the year again....back to school! My youngest started Pre-k...when he started crying it broke my heart. But the teacher texted me about an hour later letting me know he was settling in just fine, and was even making some friends (she included a pic of him looking happy, so that helped ) . The other 3 little ones were excited to start back...Emma is in 1st grade this year, Ellie in 2nd and Avery in 5th. 
I thought our NEW image School Girl Avery was perfect to share today..... and Avery made sure i drew her outfit just like her real one...lol. I think this stamp is perfect for any school project...enjoy =)

Happy Crafting,
Paper Nest Dolls

De: The Paper Nest - http://thepapernestdolls.blogspot.com/2017/08/back-to-school.html
Fecha: August 15, 2017 at 11:30PM

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