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Behind the Scenes

Before moving on the better weather days, I thought I'd share some behind the scenes shots from the soggy campsite. The photos taken in town, in the previous post, were actually taken in the rain, but setting up a camping scene was impossible in the pouring rain, so we did it the next day.

The pictures of the soggy campsite were taken the day after all the heavy rain - when it was actually sunny out. With lots of big puffy white clouds. I did the basic set up, then sat on a bench on the opposite side of this particular flooded area - with the telephoto lens on my camera - and I directed Jan to make any small adjustments.......... and then we'd wait for a big cloud to pass in front of the sun and cast everythign in shade......so it would look like a proper rainy day.
He insisted on building a proper campfire in the water.....while I sat and waited.....
Then he decided we needed wet tarps for 'realism', so began sprinkling water everywhere.....
And since I had nothing to do but sit and wait, I thought I'd just take pictures of him doing it.
Then after taking photos and cleaning everything up, Byuri needed a good foot washing...

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/behind-the-scenes8125853
Fecha: July 30, 2017 at 02:27PM

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