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Saturday’s Show and Tell…

I just have some odd and ends to share today…I’ve been working on altering a suit for a guy at church… a 6’9″ guy… so you can imagine how much I had to let out the sleeves on the jacket and the pants… well, thank goodness the pants had a cuff that could be let out! :o)

Anyway, my sewing time was cut into, so I am going to use some pictures from my readers… oh wait… I have one picture to share… remember my bradford pear trees… so beautiful on Sunday?

Well, this was them yesterday…boohoo!!!

Anne sent me a picture of the costume her daughter Sam and granddaughter Ashley made from recycled materials, (except for the lights… She said it looks much better in person… I bet it does…

Anne also sent me a picture of a granny square ornament she was making. I made a blanket for Kristoffer when he was a baby…just made it one big granny square with a scalloped edge.

One more picture from Anne… I think I missed something here… She sent this picture and it just had Pohutakawa in the subject line…

Laura got a new phone and can now take pictures of her dolls to share with us…

This is Shiloh (aka Marie-Grace) and Galilee (aka Caroline). They are her 1863 Civil War girls and are cousins.

This is Felicity Christiana…

Here is Samantha Evangeline… I believe she was the doll that started it all for Laura!

This is The Queen’s Treasure, Mary doll that she won in a contest this past spring. Her name is Havilah Jubliee ( Biblical place and year where debts are forgiven)

Here is Gilead Moriah. She’s a custom Nellie with a #33’s wig. Laura said she was the final one of the cousins for the Civil War trio but she also steps into Samantha’s world, pioneer, and the 1930’s as a time traveler!

Thanks for sharing your girls with us, Laura! They are lovely… just as you described them! :o)

Here is part 2 of Joy’s Camp Meadow pictures…

She said Molly discovered the out house and wasn’t thrilled…

Part 3 of Camp Meadow…

The campers are in the process of setting up camp. Looks like the girls brought along too much luggage, but the boys have their tent ready to go and have decided to get away for awhile and play some golf.

Here are a few more pictures of Joy’s girls at Camp Meadow… this is part 4…

Joy said today was crafts day. The kids gathered pinecones to make turkeys and had fun doing lots of crafts. This is their last night at camp, so they are roasting marshmallows and singing camp songs. They have had a wonderful time and can’t wait until they can return.

Thanks Joy…I think that gives us enough to keep us occupied for the whole weekend…

Have a great one everyone… I’ll see you Monday!
Blessings, Jeanne

De: I Dream of Jeanne Marie - https://idreamofjeannemarie.com/2020/11/14/saturdays-show-and-tell/
Fecha: November 14, 2020 at 03:00AM

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