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How to make a pretty pleated plaid doll skirt!

This tutorial won’t be a super in depth one, but just the basics will be covered… All of the steps aren’t shown in pictures, but are explained…

Yesterday we left you with the pleats in our piece of fabric… if you missed that post you can see it HERE.

Our pleated plaid looked like this…

So today we are picking up from there… We’ll be adding the waistband and finishing it up.

Once you have your piece of fabric pleated however you like, and it’s long enough to go around your dolls hips with some extra fabric on the ends, you can cut a waistband, either on the bias or just straight like I have. Your waistband just needs to be a piece of fabric 2 times as wide as you want the waistband to be…plus 1/2″ for a seam allowance. Add some interfacing to it if you like, depending on the thickness of your fabric… just press it flat on the waistband.

I matched up the bold pleat in the front to the waistband and pinned it in place. Only that one box pleat matched up from the waistband and down onto the skirt front. Stitch the waistband on right sides together and then press it so it folds to the back side, making it as wide as you want your waistband to be. Make sure your elastic will go through the opening. Finish off the bottom edge with a serger, zig zag, or turn it under and press it again. Top stitch across the waistband’s bottom edge.

After it’s been stitched, press it flat again… here is a closeup of mine…

Okay so now you have a pleated skirt with a waistband that is open from one end to the other. You’ll want to take a piece of elastic (I used 1″ wide soft elastic that was on the thin side… you don’t want non-roll elastic… that’s too thick) and put a safety pin on it and run it through your waistband. (If you made your waistband smaller, just find a piece of elastic that will fit through the waistband and go from end to end. DON’T cut your elastic yet… you’ll be measuring the waist of your doll to get a perfect fit.

So you should have your skirt, with your waistband attached, with a piece of elastic running through it, with one end of the elastic having a safety pin hanging out about 2″ or so and the other end of the elastic hanging out the other side of the skirt waistband as a longer piece.

Now we’re going to make our skirt so the elastic is ONLY gathered up on the backside and not gathered up in the front. I like my doll waistbands to be smooth in the front. This is how we are going to do it…

Take the skirt with the elastic hanging out of both ends to your doll and put it around her waist. MAKE SURE if you have a pleat in the front, that it’s IN THE CENTER FRONT… Hold it up to her to see where her waist side seams are…when you find them mark them with a pin through the elastic, so she’ll have a pin on each side. Now take your skirt to your sewing machine (and on the end where the safety pin is, so you don’t waste your elastic), and make a tack spot on the waistband like this…right where that side seam pin is… (remove it first) going forward and back a few times… to hold your elastic in place on that ONE side…leaving your thread tails about 6″ long…

Now take that second pin that is in your waistband and sticking through your elastic and gently slide it out of the elastic, but reposition it so it’s ONLY in the FABRIC. Now you’ll want to gently pull up your elastic (from the LONG side that has been hanging out) just a little bit so you have a little bit of gathereing but not much… just enough to make it hug your dolls waist… Then place your pin through the elastic back in the side seam spot only this time go through the elastic…

This picture just shows how very little the section between the two side seam waist tacks is gathered up… just a slight tug on the elastic will give you the right amount of snugness.

I don’t like to have threads coming loose on the front side of my waistband so I take those tails from the tacks and thread them onto a needle and stick them through to the back and tie them in a knot.

So now you have a skirt with a waistband with just a very slight bit of elastic running through the front of the waistband but not enough to gather it up…

Okay, so let’s finish this up…

Put it up to your doll again…

…and pull the elastic in the waistband to the back side and see how much you need to gather it up… you’ll want to leave enough for a seam allowance and finish that off. I think maybe my pictures can help here…

From where the little waistband tacks are to the end of the waistband, it will be gathered up on each end, making sure to leave enough for your doll to get it over her hips… I’m pointing to the tacks I made, and the gathers will be from that spot to the end of the waistband.
Pin where you think the elastic should be gathered to. Hold it up to your doll again to see if you think it’s right…

If it seems right, tack the ends of the waistband, through the elastic to hold it in place…

Meet your top waistband edges and stitch down the back seam of your skirt… pinning helps if you have a plaid…

Nellie said she’d like to try it on…

So there you have it…one pleated skirt with a waistband that has gathers only in the back…

It come easy to me, but if you are confused on any part, just ask… I know exactly what I’m talking about, but you may not… It’s actually very easy to do…

Well, that’s it for this plaid skirt… now what do to with the rest of the outfit???

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

De: I Dream of Jeanne Marie - https://idreamofjeannemarie.com/2020/09/15/how-to-make-a-pretty-pleated-plaid-doll-skirt/
Fecha: September 15, 2020 at 02:00AM

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