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Fashion Doll Friday: Hunger Games Mockingjay Peeta 2015

First of all, my apologies for the late posting today. I just bought a new computer and I spent part of today dragging my desk upstairs and then setting up the computer. I have a new “office” on the upstairs landing. Let’s hope it works out.

Anyway, today’s Friday Guy is Peeta from the Hunger Games Mockingjay which I think was the second movie. I don’t know a lot about this franchise and tend to confuse it with Divergent/ Insurgent. What I do know is they made some rather handsome guys and I have to say this one is my favourite for looks. I got him for Naomi along with his Hunger Games buddy a couple of years ago. She bought me two of my “Look” girls at around the same time. Amazing how we think alike when one of us sees something the other would like. Anyway the guys stayed boxed till a couple of weeks ago when Naomi decided it was time they came out. As you can see Maverick, the name he now goes by, has not even changed out of his uniform yet.

Two Hunger Games Guys

De: Dolls, Dolls, Dolls - https://dollsdollsdolls.net/2020/07/31/fashion-doll-friday-hunger-games-mockingjay-peeta-2015/
Fecha: July 31, 2020 at 02:54AM

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