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Making Do

This year I was only able to take dolls out to the scillas on the townline once, so I had to make do with the flowers in my own backyard. I do have a decent size patch on the back lawn, but my yard isn't big, and it's surrounded by big ugly fences, and until the leaves come out on the bushes to hide them, it's like a big sore thumb in the background.

But when taking doll photos it's important to try focus on the 'small picture', and there was one small angle I could use to make a believable scene. I also took some houseplants outside to help fill in the background to hide the fence some, and break up the surface of the one huge rock.

​I laid out a tarp to sit or lay down on, since it had just rained and the ground was very wet....
I had to watch what was in the background so the playhouse in behind wouldn't show...
Which meant cropping in closer, and using a really short depth-of-field, to cut it out completely, and just focus on the two ladies...
Then a view from across the yard to show how tiny a spot it really was....
Anyways, the flowers are all gone now, and here's hoping that next year Jan will be able to drive again so we can go out to our normal flowering locations.

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/making-do
Fecha: May 06, 2020 at 08:14AM

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