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It’s So Random

Today I thought I’d share a little gripe I have about buying dolls online. I’m not going to talk about eBay today. This is more about online shopping with Amazon and even the online versions of bricks and mortar stores like Myer, Target, K Mart and Big W in Australia.

Fashionista’s available in Hobart Target

These are the stores where I’ve bought the vast majority of new playline dolls over the past twenty years. Most of them have reduced the amount they carry so although I always look when I am able to visit one of these stores I look at their online stores as an alternative when I am unable to travel.

Recently, someone in a doll group posted that Target Australia was selling some of the Inspiring Women and other Signature lines at a good price so I hopped on their site to see what they had. Of course, as long as I was there I thought I might as well see if there were any new playline out. It was then that I noticed that when ordering Fashionistas or Chelsea and Friends you could not choose the doll you wanted. You would be sent one randomly. I’ve seen this before and it is not a trend I like very much. I like to choose a specific doll not have the store choose it for me. Some time ago when I was searching for Harry Potter dolls online I came across the same thing. The seller with the best price was offering a random doll. That didn’t suit me as I specifically wanted Harry. I’d rather pay more to get what I want than get something I don’t want or already have.

I have noticed recently that some stores have now added a place for the customer to agree to be sent a random choice. At least that makes it clearer. Although it was always stated on the websites it was in small print and not easy to see. However, if you don’t agree you probably can’t proceed with the purchase so it’s not really a choice just a warning.

Online ad for Chelsea dolls.

Of course, sellers of other goods do this random thing too. I’ve even seen it with clothing. A lot of things that come from China are like this and while I don’t mind buying half a dozen assorted doll outfits or pairs of shoes from an eBay or Amazon seller occasionally I certainly won’t buy my own clothes that way.

So. I’m interested to hear what your thoughts are. Would you mind getting sent a doll at random for yourself or to give a child or do you want to choose yourself. Let us know in the comments.

De: Dolls, Dolls, Dolls - https://dollsdollsdolls.net/2020/05/20/its-so-random/
Fecha: May 20, 2020 at 02:44AM

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