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A New Cat

I finally finished the new cat my friend sent me.  I needed her outfit to be similar to something one of my MSD size dolls wear, so that I'll have an option of having a human and cat version of the same character in the upcoming story.  So I chose to copy one of Bianca's Outlander outfits, since that would fit on a JID lady as well as the FID it was made for......
 I think I'll call her 'Lucy', after the friend who sent her to me.  She will be the castle housekeeper, doing all the running and fetching, all the organizing, as well as being the Queen's personal maid, and helping out in the kitchen. So, one very busy kitty....
She has a removable fichu, and an apron covered in 'flour' paw prints....
I think she turned out really well, and think she has the nicest face of all my other cats.  So now if the mood ever comes back, I can get to shooting my cat story.

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/a-new-cat9946917
Fecha: April 05, 2020 at 10:38AM

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