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Sunny Royalty

And now for the same two dolls, in the same setting, photographed with the sun coming in the window. I shoot everything in RAW, which means that instead of letting my camera make all the setting choices (when taking photos on the Auto setting) I have control myself. It means having to process each photo in Photoshop so I get exactly what I want.

Most cameras would totally blow out the scene because of the harsh contrast, and the initial RAW photo is no different.....
But since I have total control, I can turn it into this....
One thing I did have to pay attention to, was to shade the lens of the camera when it was in the sun. This next photo I forgot, so ended up with all kinds of flares from the dust on the lens.....
I love these two together, so tried several more photos....

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/sunny-royalty
Fecha: March 11, 2020 at 07:45AM

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