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Giftages 2019 - Post 3

Hello friends!

I hope this post finds you well amidst of global turmoil. Prayers of happiness and health to you and all of yours. And boy, did my head cold sure pick a bad time to crop up! It's never a good time for a head cold but dang! :)

To lift our spirits I have another post of Christmas goodies that I know you are all going to fall in love with. Let's get to it!

Here are this years round of vintage deliciousness!

Our favorite guy, Ken! And look what he is wearing!

Honestly, right before Christmas I was looking at my beautiful vintage Barbie wedding party, sans groom.

I was trying to decide which of my more modern Ken dolls I could put up there with them so I could have a complete wedding party. And I knew I had a tux somewhere I could put on them. Then he arrived! Wearing Tuxedo #787. 

And how excited I was when I saw that Tuxedo was (almost) complete! With flower boutonniere and everything! He did not come with the flower for Barbie. You can tell that the bow tie elastic is a little stretched out but I can stitch that up real quick so it looks presentable. And this Ken has the flocked hair like my other vintage Ken however, this one is much more distressed. And his face is dirty. He needs a shower before his big day!

A lot of the flocking is gone in the back too. And mold? I'm going to have to be very careful when I go to clean him. 

The shirt is dirty but is made out of the same sturdy cotton material as Barbie's one piece playsuits. It will brighten right up with a soak in the Oxy Clean. His cummerbund also has the same issue as the bowtie, stretched out elastic. So that will need a quick couple of stitches as well. 

Both shoes and both socks too!

This Ken and Tuxedo is just too perfect! I can't wait to clean him up and get him on display. There is a Ken outfit that is called "Here Comes The Groom" and the tuxedo is grey in color but with the 2009 reproduction of the Barbie Wedding Day Set, Ken is wearing this outfit not Here Comes The Groom.
If I would have gotten either Tuxedo or Here Comes The Groom I would have been happy. Yay! 

Ken does have one issue however. As he is in poor shape, his arms kept falling off! You should have seen my mom and I trying to get poor Ken in this outfit to begin with. How do you keep a vintage Ken's arms on? Can't glue them as then they won't move. Ideas friends? 

And Ken got a small assortment of clothing! Hooray!

Sleeper Set #781! No accessories however (The clock, cinnamon roll and glass of milk.)

This shirt is actually a sleep shirt from an ensemble called Breakfast at 7 from 1969-1970. I wish I had the entire thing! Maybe I can piece it together someday.

Sarah Sink Eames via barbie.mattel.com
Original Ken outfits! Solid red shorts, red shorts with white stripe and the candy striped shirt. I think Ken came with the shirt after his "reboot" in 1969. Please, correct me if I'm wrong here!

Pennant from Campus Hero #770. Original outfit also came with sweater, slacks, socks and shoes.

Sport Shorts #783. Three socks and one shoe. HA! That doesn't really work, I think I might have some brown shoes in the accessories that would work for this. 

The identifier on the bag these pants were in said that they were from the 1961 Pak Slacks. However those slacks in 1961 only came in tan corduroy or khaki green and these are definitely not either of those. I think these might be from the 1964 Pak Soda Date. I'll have to look into this one more!

One glove that said it was from Ski Champion #798. However Ken had black mittens. This is most likely from Barbie's Ski Queen #948.

Vintage 1970's Malibu Ken green shorts!

Pak - Sport Shirt from 1962

And lastly - Pak Red Vest. It's the same vest in Ken's outfit Victory Dance. There is no way to identify the two from what I've read. 

And that's it for Mr. Ken! I love all the new outfits I got and I can't wait to put him on my shelf. Since we aren't going on our vacation for Spring Break this year (boo!) and it's SNOWING outside, I'll get some time to pop him up on my shelf with the rest of the wedding party...once he gets a bath. 

And ideas for how to keep his arms on? :)

Do you have any vintage Ken's in your collection? Have a favorite outfit of his? Let me know in the comments!

More vintage goodness coming up. Until then!
De: The Barbie Blog - http://mybarbieblog.blogspot.com/2020/03/giftages-2019-post-3.html
Fecha: March 16, 2020 at 12:27AM

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