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Fun with Cats

I've been working on shooting scenes for my upcoming 'White Cat Sequel', and had a Tavern set up on my dining room table the past few days. I find it really interesting how combining all kinds of different pieces of furniture and props can create such a different setting.....
I've not started posting the story yet, even though the first few scenes have been shot. It's just that I need to take some outside, and the weather has not been conducive. Plus Jan came down with a bug (not the currently dreaded one) and the doctor said he needs to self-isolate for a week. Plus all the worldwide craziness over the coronavirus with all the escalating closures, has me rather stressed, so it's a bit of a challenge being creative right now.

I did finish making Prince Adrian's feline alter ego earlier this week though.  I still had most of the fabrics I used 25 years ago, except for the blue brocade the original tunic was made from, so had to substitute something else.  And I only had an extra pair of brown boots - as opposed to black - but I think I prefer the brown.  But otherwise their outfits are quite similar....
So yesterday, after having finished the story photos, and having removed the Tavern owners and all their patrons, I just had some fun with my cat characters.

​I've removed them all off their bases. Thankfully I didn't use glue much 25 years ago, so it was easy to remove them all.  The cats have cloth bodies over wire armatures, so are quite posable.
Enjoying dinner together....
...with Junior seated across the table....
And behind the scene....
Today the Tavern is gone and it's back to setting up a castle interior, but I always take photos of the setting first, just in case I have to recreate it at a later date.

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/fun-with-cats
Fecha: March 14, 2020 at 12:13PM

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