Barbie The Look City Shine Gold Dress aka Gloria -
Barbie The Look City Shine no. 2 -
Gloria has the Steffie face -
Well, we have twins for our Friday Girl spot today. When I got this City Shine doll at Don Market recently I genuinely thought that I didn’t have her. That is until I was going through old photos to see who I could feature this week and found that I actually did. Doh!
It doesn’t matter though. She is a nice doll and such a bargain at $3. Now there is a spare one to restyle and play with. I do have doubles of one or two dolls and it’s handy because I can keep one original and change the other. Or I have a swap if something else comes along.
I definitely need to start recording my dolls though.
De: Dolls, Dolls, Dolls - https://dollsdollsdolls.net/2020/03/06/fashion-doll-friday-double-trouble/
Fecha: March 05, 2020 at 09:25AM
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