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A Rainy Afternoon and a Tub of Dolls

Today it has been raining steadily all day. I don’t mind. It’s filling my water tank. It also seemed a good opportunity to do something that I have been telling all of you to do and start making a record of my fashion dolls.

Work in progress.

It’s going to be a mammoth task but as I have now got to the point where I can’t always remember what I have it seemed like a good idea to start it while the majority of dolls are still boxed. I will break it down into lots and do it bit by bit so it won’t seem too overwhelming. Today I took all the dolls out of the big plastic tub in my wardrobe to have a look at them. There were a few Ken’s in the bottom but I have left them to do separately later. The rest of the box was a mixture of Fashion Fever and 90s twist and turn waist dolls plus a few clones, a couple of Candi’s and some other odd ones.

Steffi Love
Photographed to show her hands.

I have taken photos of each doll either nude or in her original outfit if she had it on. I also did a head shot of each. When I have processed them I will start a spreadsheet to record the details. I will probably have to take the dolls out once more to record their marks but that can be added later as can photos of them in the original outfits that I still have. I think this will be a good project for the next few months.

While I’m doing this I’ll be able to make a note of any dolls that I want to restyle, and do that over time as well. It will also be a good opportunity to record all the names I gave them somewhere. I’m finding it hard to remember so many. It was so much easier with paper dolls where you could write them on the back.

When I eventually get to the vintage dolls I’ll probablly put swing tags on them all with the basic information as I have done for some of Naomi’s already.

I’ll add something here about the project from time to time just to remind me to keep doing it.

De: Dolls, Dolls, Dolls - https://dollsdollsdolls.net/2020/03/08/a-rainy-afternoon-and-a-tub-of-dolls/
Fecha: March 08, 2020 at 03:01AM

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