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WClub 2020 Now Open for Registration!!

©2020 Integrity Toys Inc.

Here is what you get.

  • 5 Guaranteed
    W Club Exclusive Dolls!

Get guaranteed opportunities to purchase at least *5* exclusive W Club-only dolls, including: 2 Fashion Royalty/NU. Face dolls, 2 Poppy Parker dolls and 1 additional exclusive doll.

  • Members-only Forum!

Get exclusive access to our W Club members-only forum to meet and chat with other collecting enthusiasts.    

  • $25 Coupon!

Get one $25 coupon per membership to be used towards any future purchase of $99 or more in the IT Direct Shopping Cart (Note: it can’t be used on memberships).

  • Special Offers, Right-to-buy Lotteries and Contests!

Get so many other W Club perks, like special offers, discounts, priority ordering windows, opportunities to enter our right-to-buy lotteries, contests with real prizes and more.    

  • Club-only Opportunities to Purchase Dolls & More!

Get additional opportunities to purchase exclusive and limited dolls and more, beyond the 5 guaranteed W Club exclusive dolls and 3 upgrade dolls.

  • Online Videos and/or Events!

Get special access to any W Club only online event videos, special interviews and events from the comfort of your home.    

  • Priority Convention Registration!

Get a priority W Club-only registration window for the 2020 Integrity Toys Convention, ahead of the general public, as well as access to the attend the optional W Club event at Convention.

  • Private Q&A Sessions!

Get access to participate in and ask questions during private Q&A Sessions with Integrity designers.    

  • VIP Customer Service!

Get special VIP email access directly to the W Club Liaisons for your collecting comments, questions and concerns.

©2020 Integrity Toys Inc.

That’s 10 big reasons to join right there.  Base membership is $50 for all the things listed above.  But wait….there is more!

It wouldn’t be WClub without upgrade dolls!!  Here is the tasty trio of options for 2020!

Le Tuxedo
Eugenia Perrin-Frost™
The Fashion Royalty® Collection
2020 W Club Upgrade Doll

*$135; (This doll will have a $25 non-refundable deposit due immediately, with a $110 + shipping/handling/taxes balance due at shipping time, approximately in Summer 2020).

Edition Size: TBD
Head Sculpt: Eugenia
Body Type: FR 6.0
Foot Sculpt: High-heeled
Skin Tone: Sunkissed 
Hair Color: Dark Champagne Blonde
Eyelashes: Yes, Hand-applied
Quickswitch: No

©2020 Integrity Toys Inc.-Le Tuxedo Eugenia Perrin Frost

©2020 Integrity Toys Inc.-Le Tuxedo Eugenia Perrin Frost 2

©2020 Integrity Toys Inc.-Le Tuxedo Eugenia Perrin Frost 3

Mademoiselle Lilith 
Lilith Blair™ Dressed Doll
The NU. Face™ Collection
2020 W Club Upgrade

*$135; (This doll will have a $25 non-refundable deposit due immediately, with a $110 + shipping/handling/taxes balance due at shipping time, approximately in Summer 2020).

Edition Size: TBD
Head Sculpt: Lilith/Eden
Body Type: NF 3.0
Foot Sculpt: High-heeled
Skin Tone: FR White
Hair Color: Periwinkle 
Eyelashes: Yes, Hand-applied
Quickswitch: No

©2020 Integrity Toys Inc.-Madmoiselle Lilith Blair

©2020 Integrity Toys Inc.-Madmoiselle Lilith Blair 2

©2020 Integrity Toys Inc.-Madmoiselle Lilith Blair 3

Pretty Bird
Poppy Parker™ Dressed Doll
Poppy Parker™: The Model Traveler Collection
2020 W Club Upgrade Doll

*$135; (This doll will have a $25 non-refundable deposit due immediately, with a $110 + shipping/handling/taxes balance due at shipping time, approximately in Summer 2020).

Edition Size: TBD
Head Sculpt: Poppy Parker
Body Type: PP 1.5
Foot Sculpt: Articulated Ankle
Skin Tone: FR White
Hair Color: Warm Dark Brown
Eyelashes: Yes, Hand-applied
Quickswitch: No

©2020 Integrity Toys Inc.-Pretty Bird Poppy Parker 1

©2020 Integrity Toys Inc.-Pretty Bird Poppy Parker 2

©2020 Integrity Toys Inc.-Pretty Bird Poppy Parker 3

Wow!  Lilith come home to Mama!!  She will be the first one in my cart.  I adore the other 2 actually so this will be a full meal deal for me this year.  I wish Lilith had a different color variant of hair.  Would have been kind of cool to have a darker turquoise or something but as it stands, the photos make it appear that Lilith has a slightly darker and bluer lavender than Eden.  It could just be lighting in the photos but will only be able to tell in hand.  Also, Lilith’s outfit isn’t a “WoW” like Eden’s was but…I figure the pieces will complement Eden’s nicely.  I am seriously loving the pink shoes and jewelry!!  Thank you Jessy!

Is it just me or is someone else humming boogie woogie bugle boy when looking at Eugenia?  Love the military vibe going on there.  I also like the adorable school girl look going on with this brown haired, scarlet lipped Poppy.  That hat we have seen a gazillion times but the adorable crimson backpack, knee socks and sporty black fingerless gloves brought this Poppy to my shopping cart.

For those of you out there that read this blog and are not currently enrolled in the WClub ( why not?!!)…and you have an interest in joining, here is what you need to know.

  • Membership is $50
  • Upgrade dolls are extra
  • WClub signup Here or click on the “join WClub” picture below
  • Deadline for signup is



Ok…gotta go register Winking smile


De: Inside the Fashion Doll Studio - https://insidethefashiondollstudio.com/2020/02/06/wclub-2020-now-open-for-registration/
Fecha: February 06, 2020 at 04:12PM

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