Bianca started getting calls from friends and family wishing her a Happy Birthday....
When Rosie arrived with another entree.....
This was not turning out to be the evening Rex had had in mind....
"Sweetie, you know, that phone is ruining the 'Medieval' atmosphere."
"Your family and best friends have already called you, so it's time to put the phone away."
"Here, I'll take it...."
Bianca reluctantly passed it to Rex, who offered it to Rosie.
"Could you take this, and put it in the coat check with my cloak, please?"
But Bianca interrupted...
"Could you please just take one more photo of the two of us before you bring it away?"
Rosie was only too happy to oblige, and finally get the phone out of the room....
"There you go."
De: Antique Lilac - Blog -
Fecha: February 12, 2020 at 12:19PM
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