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Spring Fever-Casual

It’s a known fact that in the Pacific Northwest we many times don’t really see sunshine for months and months from November through February.  The holidays take up some of that time and normally we Pacific Northwesterners deal with it well during that time.  Once the holidays are over though…all bets are off.  I normally hit January with a hunger for the sun.  If the sun doesn’t come to us, I will invent it in my photos.  I’m bringing out the pastels and dreaming of sunshine!!

Model: Looks a Plenty Poppy Parker

Dress: Bellissima Couture

Shoes: Paul Zhangby on Ebay

Sunglasses: ITFDS

©2020 Inside The Fashion Doll Studio-Spring Fever Casual

©2020 Inside The Fashion Doll Studio-Spring Fever Casual

©2020 Inside The Fashion Doll Studio-Spring Fever Casual

And because it’s fun to play around with Lightroom and Photoshop sometimes….  Love this silver haired Poppy!

©2020 Inside The Fashion Doll Studio-Spring Fever Casual

Model: Midnight Decadence Poppy Parker

Dress: Munle on Etsy ( he sells through HOANGANHKHOI on Etsy)

Shoes: Mattel

Purse: @MyDollhouse2005 on Instagram

This gown is all kinds of yumminess.  I adore it!!  Pair it with this adorable 1/6 scale Hermes Kelly bag and all is well in the world. 

©2020 Inside The Fashion Doll Studio-Spring Fever Casual

©2020 Inside The Fashion Doll Studio-Spring Fever Casual

©2020 Inside The Fashion Doll Studio-Spring Fever Casual

©2020 Inside The Fashion Doll Studio-Spring Fever Casual

©2020 Inside The Fashion Doll Studio-Spring Fever Casual



For those interested in the scarf and sunglasses set from previous blog post, you need to email me at raberry65@msn.com


De: Inside the Fashion Doll Studio - https://insidethefashiondollstudio.com/2020/02/02/spring-fever-casual/
Fecha: February 02, 2020 at 07:58PM

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