Today I’d like to introduce you to four new girls who have just joined the fashion doll family.
The first one is Disney Princess Cinderella aka Cindy who I bought at Penguin Market recently.
You have already seen Cindy in the Fashion Doll Friday post last week so I won’t spend a lot of time on her today. Since you saw her I have redone Cindy’s hair to make it more curly and redressed her in a different Anko fashion that fits her better.
The remaining three dolls came from Don Market where we went last Sunday. Don is a small township on the outskirts of Devonport, about an hour from here. Naomi spotted the dolls when we stopped to look at some of the stalls outside the market. I didn’t get too excited when she said there were Barbies in the box she was looking in. I thought it would be the usual Fashionistas and Disney Princesses but then she said: “I think one of them is a City Shine doll”. She is too, the one in the gold dress. Her earrings were gone and she wasn’t wearing her original dress but she was in great condition apart from untidy hair.
There were three other dolls in the box all blondes. Naomi said that one of them was not in very good condition but she was keen for me to see the other two as they had Model Muse bodies. One of them had very long hair and a very wide smile. She had the proper body but I didn’t recognise her. Later on, when we got home I looked her up online and identified her as one of the Black Basics 1.5 dolls. That is very interesting because I don’t believe those dolls were sold here.
The last one I haven’t identified properly yet. She is a Fashionista and has the non-articulated body and the bent arms. I have looked at a lot of blonde Fashionistas but can’t quite decide which she is. My best guess is that she is one of the blonde Style Party Fashionistas from 2014. I’m guessing this partly because one of the other dolls was wearing the dress from one of those two dolls and I’m thinking that they all came from the same owner. She has the Generation Girl Face and is quite nice. I probably would not have bought her when she came out but at $3 I thought that she might come in handy. In fact, all the dolls were $3 each and for the other two that was an absolute steal.
Today I worked on their hair and then redressed them all. Fashionista, who doesn’t have a name yet was given the dress that might be her original outfit while the other two girls are wearing Anko fashions. I thought that the black one was ideal for Basics 1.5 as it is similar to the colours she was originally wearing.
While I was researching Fashionista I found this site which shows each wave of Fashionistas up to 2017. It’s very good.
Here are the girls posing for their group photo. Total cost of the four dolls $A12. Anko fashions 3@$A1.50 each. Total cost $$A16.50

De: Dolls, Dolls, Dolls -
Fecha: February 29, 2020 at 03:43AM
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