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Waking Sena

Peach, who was an only child, had no idea what 'babysitting' actually meant. She had imagined a pleasant afternoon playing with a happy, bouncing baby, and was getting rather fed up with just standing around while Baby Sena slept....
Lisa was experienced, so was quietly reading her book....
"I thought we'd be able to play with her, but all she does is sleep!"
Being rather anxious to play with the baby, Peach decided to take matters into her own hands.....
....and reached into the cradle and lifted out the sleeping baby....who immediately started to scream......."WAAAAAAAAH!!!!"
"Hey!  What are you doing!?!?"     "WAAAAAAAAA!!!!"
"You can't just wake her up like that!!"
"WAAAAAAAA!!!!!"   "Help!  What do I do now??"  "WAAAH!!"

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/waking-sena
Fecha: November 29, 2019 at 08:06AM

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