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Redhead Rosie

I looked online everywhere but no one had the Ellowyne Rose wig in stock in any colour. One of my Naraes has an auburn one, but it was a bigger size. I tried it on for looks, and decided that was definitely the colour for Rosie. So I stole it off Narae, made it smaller, gave it to Rosie, and gave Narae her original mohair wig back.
While I was at it, I also switched out Rosie's eyes to a light blue.....
...I like how this wig helps soften her angular features.....
I realize that the glow from the Christmas lights makes her hair look even redder than it really is, but I love this colour on her. So she will stay a redhead.
Now all she needs is an outfit.  I'm thinking something 'Warrior Princess' with leather and chainmail, and of course at some point something more 'feminine'.  However Monika was next in line to get a costume, and my wrist really needs a rest from the leather and chainmail. I'll see how things go, and what inspiration hits. But first I need to make some elf hats for the grandkids.

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/redhead-rosie
Fecha: November 29, 2019 at 10:49AM

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