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Introducing Rosie

Back in August when RaccoonDoll had their big anniversary sale, I ordered 'Steeze Rosie', as a potential girlfriend for Baron.  She arrived yesterday.  

Of course I didn't have anything for her to wear, other than the white dressing gown set, so that's what I put on her. I've always imagined her as a blonde....
 I had asked Raccoon not to paint the black line between her lips - to use a lighter brown - which they did.  She's very beautiful, although I see from the photos that her left eye needs to be moved a touch.

​Anyways, it was clear right away that Baron was totally smitten....
...and she with him. Although what girl can resist a handsome knight??

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/introducing-rosie
Fecha: November 26, 2019 at 04:47PM

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