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After a month of 'creative drought' I'm finally starting to get some inspirations again. Fabricland had a big sale this weekend, so I went with the intention of looking at their half price trims - something that could be used for an 18th century fancier coat for Rex.  I didn't expect them to have much, and they didn't, but there was one trim I thought I better get some of - just in case.

Then in the 'Stretch Velour Ends' bin, I found two black velours that spoke to me.  First one with gold metallic stripes, perfect for Tudor or Elizabethan sleeves.  And a second black velour that had rows of long fuzzy, ragged yarn sewn on, that reminded me of the furry collar of a costume from Game of Thrones (not that I've ever seen the show - but I've seen photos of the costumes)
There was also some really soft pale gray fabric that draped beautifully, just in case I ever decide to make Claire's wedding dress from Outlander, because if I do decide to make it and go back at some later date, you can bet the fabric will be gone.  And earlier in the week I'd picked up two peacock feather print 'capes' from Value Villages' half price Halloween costume stuff. I thought it would be nice for a fairy gown for one of my bigger ladies for next summer.

Anyways, I'd been wanting to make something for Lawrence, and think I finally have an idea. I gave up trying to think of some way to tie all the Fashion dolls together with the same theme, and just go with whatever inspires me. I had really wanted to make another Boromir inspired outfit, since the one my JID Kyle has is too small for the FIDs, and I love that costume. But now with that fuzzy velour, I'm thinking something that's a cross between Boromir from LOTR and Jon Snow from GoT.

​But first I have to finish the fall outfits I'm working on for my Kaye Wiggs Minis. Hopefully really soon, before I change my mind and decide to make something else for someone else. It wouldn't be the first time that's happened. When inspiration finally starts, it can come in fast and furious, with way too many ideas all at once, and then I get distracted....

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/inspirations
Fecha: November 03, 2019 at 03:36PM

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